To attend


To attend, please book through the KC Jones website (who are handling most BPS conferences currently) at

Note that directions to the Sunley Centre are available as a PDF on the KC Jones site.

Indicative Costs

A full schedule of costs is available on the KC Jones site: there are discounts for non-residential attendance, single days, room shares, BPS affiliate subscribers and members, Transpersonal Section members and other concessions (including students, unwaged, etc).

Some indicative rates are given here (these are correct at time of writing - definitive prices are those listed on the KC Jones site):

TP Section MemberConcessionsBPS memberNon-member
Three Day
(single room)
Three Day
(non residential)
Two Day
(Sat-Sun; single room)
One Day
(Sat; non residential incl. lunch)


For paper or workshop submissions, please contact Prof Chris Roe at chris.roe@
. For all other queries, contact Dr Alasdair Gordon-Finlayson and Ms Jacqui Stone at


Prof Chris Roe
TP Section Treasurer, Professor of Transpersonal Psychology
Rev Dr Alasdair
Conference Arrangements Chair, Lecturer in Transpersonal Psychology
Jacqui Stone
Conference Organiser, TP Section Postgraduate Rep, PhD Candidate